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Class SIPml.Event

Defined in: SIPml.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
SIPml.Event(type, event)
SIP event object.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
User-friendly description in english (e.g.
The event type or identifier (e.g.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Gets the SIP content associated to this event.
Gets the SIP content associated to this event.
Gets the SIP content-type associated to this event.
Gets the SIP response code.
Class Detail
SIPml.Event(type, event)
SIP event object. You should never create an instance of this class by yourself.
{String} type
The event type or identifier. Please check this link for more information about all supported session event types.
{tsip_event} event Optional
Private wrapped session object.
Field Detail
{String} description
User-friendly description in english (e.g. 'Session is now connected').

{String} type
The event type or identifier (e.g. 'connected').
Method Detail
{Object} getContent()
Gets the SIP content associated to this event. This function could be called to get the content of the incoming SIP message ('i_new_message' event).
{Object} SIP content.
getContentType, getContentString

{String} getContentString()
Gets the SIP content associated to this event. This function could be called to get the content of the incoming SIP message ('i_new_message' event).
{String} SIP content.
getContentType, getContent

{Object} getContentType()
Gets the SIP content-type associated to this event. This function could be called to get the content-type of the incoming SIP message ('i_new_message' event).
{Object} SIP content-type.

{Integer} getSipResponseCode()
Gets the SIP response code.
{Integer} The SIP response code (e.g. 404).

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Feb 08 2018 18:42:00 GMT+0100 (CET)