Error and success codes

The success codes are prefixed with s_ and the error codes with e_.

Our web demo at and SDK on Github will return one of these codes:

  • s_genuine: The face was analyzed and is most likely genuine. In this case the liveness score is within [98 - 100]%.

  • s_spoof: The face was analyzed and is most likely spoof. In this case the liveness score is within [0 - 50[%.

  • s_disputed: The face was analyzed but we are not sure if it’s genuine. Ask the user to try again or review it. In this case the liveness score is within [50, 98[%.

  • s_disguise: The face was analyzed and is most likely a disguise. It could be a 3D mask or you have your face partially hidden.

  • s_pending: The operation is pending. This code is returned when parallel processing is enabled. The final response will be sent asynchronously using the registered callback function.

  • e_back: The image contains multiple faces and this one is considered as being at the background and no liveness check was done on it.

  • e_too_small: The face is too small (width or height is < 64px). No liveness analyze was done on it.

  • e_not_selfie: The face is not a selfie (front facing). For now we don’t check if a face is a selfie or not. No liveness analyze was done on it.

  • e_nolicense: The operation you’re trying to perform is not permited.